Burton Y. Berry on antisemitic articles appearing in the Bulgarian Press in 1943



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  1. English
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I have the honor to present below some informative material on the Jewish question in Bulgaria including an article from the Bulgarian newspaper DNES of March 22, 1943, and a letter from a Jewish graduate of the American College of Sofia. […]

The most cursory reading of the article shows that it was written for the purpose of stirring up feeling against Jews as a class. The most definite charge is that of hoarding. It is well known that the Jews were long ago placed under the most rigid restrictions with regard to food. Further, they have been so thoroughly robbed of all their possessions, including all bank accounts, that few of them have any considerable wealth now at their disposal. The general terms employed by the writer would indicate that he is not writing on a factual basis but in order to produce an effect, that is, suspicion and hatred toward the Jew.

This is the first inflammatory article against the Jews which has appeared in any newspaper for a long period. All evidence coming our [sic] of Bulgaria indicates that the Bulgarian people generally disapprove of the harsh measures being taken by the Government against Jews and do what they can to alleviate their condition. The recent protests by many leading citizens and by more than forty members of Parliament are sufficient evidence of the attitude of Bulgarians toward the anti-Jewish measures inaugurated by the Filov Government.


  • Updated 5 years ago
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