Burton Y. Berry on the increasing resistance in Bulgaria against the deportation and murder of Bulgarian Jews in 1943



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  1. English
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“A prominent non-Jewish Bulgarian member of the Bulgarian Parliament has come to Istanbul especially to make strong personal representations upon humanitarian grounds in influential quarters regarding the condition of the Jews in Bulgaria. [...] This informant says that the entire Jewish community in Bulgaria is threatened with immediate destruction. Bulgarian Jews are now in a much worse situation than those in Rumania and Hungary. Nothing can be done for the Jews from Bulgarianoccupied Thrace and Macedonia, for all of them including men, women and children will be deported to Poland and their deportation has already begun.

He adds that the intention of the Bulgarian Government is to deport to Poland all Jews in Bulgaria and an order for this purpose has been issued. Owing to popular protests

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led by prominent non-Jewish Bulgarian citizens this order has been stayed temporarily but not rescinded.

The policy of extermination he states is demanded by the Germans and promoted by Gabrovski. The lives of 45,000 Jewsare at stake. The parliamentarian declares that in his opinion the most effective way to help them is for the United States Government to make a vigorous protest to the Bulgarian Government through the Swiss authorities declaring in the strongest terms its abhorrence of the policy of the Bulgarian Government toward the Jews.”


  • Updated 5 years ago
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