Leland B. Morris on antisemitic measures in German-occupied countries in 1940


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  1. English

In adverting to reports from this Mission with respect to anti-Semitic measures in German-occupied countries, I have the honor to submit hereunder in summary form a description of measures recently announced in the German press directed against the Jewish population of occupied France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France, Alsace, the General Government (of Poland), and Slovakia. […]

General Government (of Poland): In view of the heavy migration of population into the new Jewishghetto in Warsaw, the period for the completion of voluntary establishment there by Jewish families from other quarters of the city has been extended through November 15. At the same time the limits of the ghetto have been enlarged to take in certain additional blocks and it is feared that this enlargement may mean the moving into the ghetto of Jews not as yet resident in Warsaw. It has also been decided to force the transfer of Jewish owned and operated industrial plants into the ghetto and the removal from the ghetto of many such enterprises carried on therein by non-Jews. There are taking place conversations between the owners of such plants as to whether an exchange of ownership cannot be effected in a manner acceptable to both the Jews and non-Jews. The authorities express the hope that this extension of the ghetto idea to include industrial enterprises may be carried out without undue delay.

Slovakia: A decree is reported to be under preparation by the Slovakian Government which will block Jewish accounts in banking establishments and will make obligatory the deposit of all securities belonging to Jewish persons or enterprises. Payments to Jews will only be possible through such blocked accounts and Jews will only be allowed to withdraw up to a maximum of 5,000 crowns per week on the basis of a special and individual permit from their blocked accounts.

The above developments indicate that German anti-Semitic measures are rapidly being put into effect in the occupied territories. At the same time the German press publishes articles reporting somewhat similar measures in Rumania, Jugoslavia, Bulgaria and unoccupied France. There appears, consequently, to be a definite program of carrying German anti-Semitism beyond the German borders into such countries as come into the German sphere of influence.


  • Updated 4 years ago
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