Hans Jakob Hansen on antisemitic legislation in Serbia in 1941



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  1. English
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Note on Jewish law in Serbia after Yugoslavia's active entry into the war on April 6, 1941.

The legislation in Serbia regarding the Jewish issue has the form of regulations issued by the German Military Commander in Serbia, and the publication took place in the German Military Commander's Regulation leaflet in Serbia.

The concept of Jews.

According to the Regulation of 30/5 1941 these are considered Jews:

1) People who have at least 3 Jewish Grandparents. As Jews, the Grandparents are considered, if according to Race, they are full-blooded Jewish or belong to, respectively, have belonged to the Jewish faith.

2) Equal to Jews are 'mixed’ Jews (Mischlinge) with 1 or 2 Jewish Grandparents who, after 5 April 1941, have belonged to or joined a Jewish congregation.

3) ‘mixed’ Jews who are married to or will marry a female Jew.

Mandatory notification.

Jews must report to the Jewish Register in their respective municipalities no later than 14 days after the Order.


Jews must be fitted with a yellow Armband with the word Jews printed on it.

The Prohibition on Freedom of Movement.

Jews are prohibited from visiting theatres, movie theatres, any Entertainment Establishment Forums, Public Baths, Sports Venues, and Public Markets, as well as taverns unless the latter is authorized as a Custodian for Jews.

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No Jew is allowed to leave his place of residence without the permission of the German Commander-in-Chief and must reside in his residence from 20 pm to 6 am.

It is forbidden to be punished by death to a) host or hide Jews b) store or acquire valuables of any kind, mobiles, and money belonging to Jews.

Nutritional Prohibition.

Jews are not allowed to hold public office. The Serbiann authorities are urged immediately to remove Jews from public offices. Jews are not allowed to practice professions such as attorneys, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, and pharmacists. Hereinafter, Jewish prosecutors may not appear in court or before authorities. Jewish doctors and dentists are only allowed to treat Jews. Jewish veterinarians and pharmacists are not allowed to practice. Jews must not be the proprietors or employed in educational and entertainment organizations. The Regulation of 29 October 1941 provides that Jewish Lawyers may only serve the interests of Jews or Jewish Enterprises. They are not to be called Attorneys, but Consultants.

Jewish Property and Assets.

Jewish Fortunes, Real Estate, and Business Enterprises must be immediately notified to the Commander.

It is considered Jewish if the business owner or lessee is: a) Jewish, b) Companies in which one of the Company owners is Jewish, or c) Limited Liability Companies in which 1/3 of the Shares are held by Jewish Company Members or in which The business manager is a Jew, or one of the members of the Board of Supervisors is a Jew; d) Public Limited Companies in which

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the Chairman of the Supervisory Board is a Jew or an Acting Administrator or more than 1/3 of the Board of Directors are Jews.

An enterprise can be declared Jewish if it is predominantly under Jewish influence.

Commissarial Leadership of Jewish Enterprises can be added.

It is forbidden to keep Jewish Property and any person in possession of or holding such Property shall report it. The same goes for Claims against Jews.

Violation of the reporting obligation is punishable by imprisonment, fines and in severe cases with the death penalty.

If the authorized Commissioner of Administration of Jewish Property under the Authorization received disposes of such property, the proceeds shall be used for 1) Payment of past due or outstanding taxes or other public debt obligations incurred by the previous owner. 2) Settlement of Creditor claims. 3) Any remaining surplus, if any, must be paid to a designated Banking Company in a blocked account in favour of the previous owner.

Use of Jewish Fortunes.

Wealth belonging to Jews who have been German citizens goes to the German Empire, which is liable for the debts of the property in question unless this is contrary to the German peoples feeling.

Fortune, belonging to Jews who, on the 15th April 1941, were Yugoslav nationals or without being German nationals, or were stateless, goes to Serbia, who is liable for the debt of this Fortune.

It may be added that, as far as is known,

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practically no Jews existed in Serbia at the end of 1942.

The 2nd October 1943.

Hansen, Hans Jakob


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