Leland B. Morris on forced labor being imposed on male Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1941
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It is learned from Warsaw that many of the Jews among the 450,000 in the ghetto there are shortly to be placed in concentration camps in country districts where they will be forced to work on highway, land and forest improvement projects. Public notices have been posted asking for young Poles to volunteer for special police units to guard these camps and working parties. The use of Jewish labor on these projects will release the equivalent amount of Polish labor for employment in the Reich as agricultural and industrial workers.
- Updated 1 month ago
The United States of America were neutral during the first two years of the Second World War. They were brought into the conflict by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 and became one of the decisive belligerent nations, defeating Japan in the Pacific and heavily contributing to the war effort against the Axis powers, e.g. during the Allied landings in North Africa, Italy and France. American forces invaded German territory early in 1945.
On the eve of the Second World War,...
National Archives and Records Administration
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- Updated 2 years ago