Alexander Kirk Reports About the Conditions in Poland



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  1. English

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The Jewish authorities in Berlin who are competent only for Reich territory have little precise information concerning conditions in Poland although the following is their understanding of the situation in that area based upon such meager reliable date as they have been able to obtain:

A mass transfer of the Jews in the Kattowitz region which was threatened has been postponed at least until March. It is not known here to what extent the transfer of Jews from other regions is still being carried out under present conditions although it is understood that considerable numbers of

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Jews are being expelled from Lodz and are being sent east. The situation of the Jews appears to be at its worst in the vicinity of Lublin where it is said that they are being subjected to particularly brutal treatment by the party SS Guards. It is also stated that Jews have been sent to Lublin in unheated trains with the result that cases of freezing to death have been reported. [...]

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While reports which are mostly second hand are received in sufficient quantity to demonstrate that unquestionably great suffering is being endured by the Jews and by large groups of Poles it is pointed out in local German circles that the current hardships, which on the one hand are inevitable as a result of the military campaign and of the redistribution of [Auslassung in der Originalvorlage], pale by comparison with those which existed in Poland following the last war and that on the other hand some of the stern measures now being taken by the German authorities are necessary for the purpose of eliminating the criminal elements released from Polish jails at the beginning of the war and for the restoration of order following the

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complete collapse of the Polish state system.


  • Updated 4 years ago
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